
The State Health Plan is evaluating its website and online materials pursuant to applicable federal law and federally accepted standards and practices. 
The State Health Plan has implemented a few web standards to increase the accessibility of the website.  These standards include (but are not limited to):

  • Using "alt tags" with all images to aid citizens who listen to the site via screen readers instead of reading content.
  • Providing text-based links in addition to any graphics-based links.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for improving the site's accessibility, please contact us.  Thank you.

Viewing (Supported Internet Browsers)

Thank you for visiting the new   The State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees has recently upgraded its website platform and design to allow for a better end-user experience.  We hope you will find the new site a useful resource for information and services offered by the Department. 

The Department has made every effort to make the site as effective and as useful as possible.  This includes site compatibility with mobile devices such as iPhones and iPads, as well most major Internet browsers.

In order to offer the newest features and technology, and to ensure an optimal user experience for the maximum number of users, we are unable to support some older versions of Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer 6 and 7.

To take advantage of the features of the new website, please make sure you are viewing the site with one of the most current browser versions. Supported versions include the following:

  • Google Chrome 16 (or higher)
  • Internet Explorer 8 (or higher)
  • Mozilla Firefox 9 (or higher)
  • Safari 5 (or higher)

To download one of these browsers, please contact your Helpdesk or visit one of the following sites:

Google Chrome:

Internet Explorer:

Mozilla Firefox:

Safari (for Mac):

The website is best viewed using any of the following Internet browsers:​