Topics Related to HBR Update

  • Post-OE Dependent Verification Reminder!
  • Tobacco Cessation and Credit Removals
  • Update on Task Management
  • Reminder on Employing Unit Invoicing: American Rescue Plan Act
  • Approving 2021 and 2022 Tasks for Remainder of 2021
  • Updated COVID-19 Benefits for Testing and Treatment
  • Tobacco Cessation and Credit Removals
  • Dependent Verification Reminder!
  • New and Improved RIF Process!
  • Last HBR Monthly Webinar Trainings for 2020!
  • Open Enrollment is Under Way!
  • Reminder: NC FACETS Transition Training Next Month!
  • Processing Rehired Retirees
  • 1 More HBR Training Webinar Scheduled!
  • Reminder: Coordinate with CVS on Flu Shot Clinic Plans!
  • Time to Prepare for Open Enrollment!
  • Reminder About Social Security Numbers
  • Just 2 More HBR Training Webinars Scheduled for 2021
  • Blue Cross NC FACETS Transition Billing Training Set!
  • 2021 Flu Shot Program Begins
  • 2021 Flu Shot Clinic Program Update Reminder!
  • Coming in Fall 2021 — NCFlex Changing COBRA Administrators
  • HBR Training Webinars Scheduled for 2021
  • Qualifying Life Events and Task Management
  • QLE Training Videos Now Available at HBR University
  • December Schedule Needed for January 2022 Invoices
  • Reminder: ACA Full-Service Reporting Solution Sign-Up Deadline July 31
  • OnePlace365 Case Prioritization
  • Employees Can Get a Head Start on Open Enrollment
  • COVID-19 Benefits Update: Treatment Waiver Expires June 30
  • Employing Unit Debt Recovery Policy
  • Prepare for Open Enrollment with Online HBR Training
  • Opioid Utilization Management Program Update
  • Premium Billing and Enrollment Reconciliation
  • An Important Note on Reconciliation
  • New COBRA Subsidies Under the American Rescue Plan Act Reminder
  • Lower Your Risk for Stroke!
  • COVID-19 Update for Employees
  • 2022 Tobacco Credit and Cessation Requirements
  • Important Reminder on Employment Terminations
  • Reminder: Encourage Your Employees to Keep Their Contact Information Current!
  • Any Employees Having Babies?
  • COVID-19 Update for Employees
  • HBR Scorecards Return in April
  • New Core Operation System at Blue Cross NC
  • Encourage Your Employees to Keep Their Contact Information Current!
  • Join Us for a Wellness Champions Webinar!