State Health Plan Board of Trustees Teleconference Notice

<p>State Health Plan Board of Trustees Meeting/Teleconference<br /> Monday, June 15, 2020<br /> 11:00 a.m.</p> <p>Online via GoToWebinar<br /> Click here to register/attend:&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p> <p><a href="">Agenda</a></p>

State Health Plan Board of Trustees Meeting/Teleconference
Monday, June 15, 2020
11:00 a.m.

Online via GoToWebinar
Click here to register/attend:


There will be a public comment period during the June 15, 2020, State Health Plan Board of Trustees Teleconference. Comments will need to be submitted in writing so they can be shared with the board. If time permits, comments will be read aloud during the meeting. Comments will need to be submitted by Thursday, June 11 at 5p.m. via email to