2016 Board of Trustees Meeting Materials

For more Board of Trustees information, visit the Board of Trustees page​.

You can view and download information from the 2016 State Health Plan Board of Trustees meetings using the links in the table below.  Meeting documents and information from other years can be accessed using the "Board of Trustee Meeting Materials" quick links at the bottom of that page.

Please contact us to request accessible documents.

Meeting DateAgendaMaterials
December 20, 2016Agenda
December 1-2, 2016Agenda
August 4-5, 2016Agenda
June 2-3, 2016Agenda
May 12-13, 2016Agenda
April 27, 2016Agenda
March 10, 2016Agenda
February 5, 2016Agenda
January 26, 2016Agenda