HBR Updates and Alerts

HBR Updates
Title Release Date Summary
HBR Alert - December 8, 2020

HBR Survey: How Can We Help You?

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HBR Update - November 2020
  • Updated COVID-19 Benefits for Testing and Treatment
  • Tobacco Cessation and Credit Removals
  • Dependent Verification Reminder!
  • New and Improved RIF Process!
  • Last HBR Monthly Webinar Trainings for 2020!
  • Remind Your Employees: New Program Waives Deductibles for Orthopedic Surgery
  • Did You Know: November is National Diabetes Month
HBR Alert - October 29, 2020

Open Enrollment Ends SATURDAY!

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HBR Alert - October 26, 2020

Open Enrollment -- We're Over Halfway There!

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HBR Alert - October 20, 2020

Urge Your Employees To Take Action!

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HBR Alert - October 15, 2020

2021 Open Enrollment is Under Way!

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HBR Update - October 12, 2020
  • Open Enrollment Starts Thursday!
  • Action Required on New October, November and December Retirements!
  • Upcoming HBR Monthly Trainings
  • New Case Management Feature Available
  • Processing Qualifying Life Events
  • Reminder: New Program Waives Deductibles for Orthopedic Surgery
HBR Alert - September 29, 2020

Open Enrollment Resources Online to Share with Employees!

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HBR Update - September 21, 2020
  • Time to Prepare for 2021 Open Enrollment!
  • Is a Furlough Considered a Qualifying Life Event?
  • New Program Waives Member Deductibles for Providers Participating in the Plan's Orthopedic Bundles Pilot
  • Health Benefits for Extended Short-Term Disability for Members with Less than 5 Years of Service
  • New eBenefits Case Management Feature
HBR Update - August 18, 2020
  • Open Enrollment is Coming! Are You Ready?
  • 2021 Open Enrollment Task Management Update
  • New eBenefits 'Hold Future Transactions' Functionality Now Available
  • Upcoming HBR Monthly Webinars Will Focus on Open Enrollment
  • New eBenefits Profile Information
  • Processing Retirement Terminations Reminder
  • 2020 Flu Shot Program Gearing Up